As a Bahai, I believe...

What is the Bahai Faith?

The Faith was founded more than a century and a half ago and is one of the fastest growing religions today.  It is the second most widespread faith with over five million followers in more than 100,000 locations worldwide.  The founder of the Bahai Faith is Baha'u'llah from Persia who claims to be a new and independent messenger from God sent to bring humankind the message of unity and peace.  His life, work and message parallel that of former divine messengers including Abraham, Krishna, Moses, Zoroaster, Buddha, Christ and Muhammad.  He endured intense persecution to teach his essential message of unity--that there is only one God, one human race and that all the world's religions represent stages in the revelation of God's will and purpose for humanity.  Below are some of the essential teachings of Baha'u'allah:
  • The abandonment of all forms of prejudice:
Baha’u’llah calls for fellowship among nations, cultures and people and that there is only once race—the human race.  In order for humanity to create a just global society that is peaceful, prejudices of all types must be overcome.  This includes prejudices based on race, religion, ethnicity, sex, class.  Diversity should be celebrated, not tolerated.  By increasing the awareness of and respecting different cultures and individuals, unity can be achieved.
  • The equality of men and women:
One of the most important precursors to a peaceful world is the equality of men and women.  Women and men are equal in the sight of god.  Women bring certain values that are necessary to a peaceful and just world such as compassion, cooperation and empathy.
  • Unity and relativity of religious truth:
At the center of the Baha'i teachings is the principle of religious unity, that is, the oneness of religion.  This idea is likened to the growth process of an individual; an infant grows and develops into a mature adult in subsequent stages.  Similarly, humankind collectively gains maturity throughout the ages.  In the growth of an individual, he is educated by parents, teachers, and other mentors and is able to comprehend more complex concepts at each of these stages.  Bahai’s believe that the Manifestations of God are the educators of humanity and bring laws and precepts that enable humankind to progress.  These laws that are brought are different in that they are appropriate for the time in which they were revealed but emanate from one Source.
  • The elimination of the extremes of wealth and poverty:
Unity must be based on justice.  One of the most common examples of injustice today is the huge imbalance in economic and material conditions.  A majority of the world lives in poverty while a small percentage have immense wealth, this gap widening with every passing year.  The resources available to humankind should be used for the long-term good of all and not the short-term advancement of a few.  When the connection between the spiritual and practical aspects of life is recognized through a profound change of heart and mind, then economic justice will come about.
  • Universal Education:
Knowledge plays a central role in human life and therefore in society as the process of generating and applying knowledge lies at the heart of civilization.  The advancement of society happens because of the results of education.  Bahai’s believe that governments of the world should lend their utmost support to the dedication of universal education.
  • The responsibility for each person to independently investigate the truth:
Bahai’s believe that it is a fundamental obligation of humankind to acquire knowledge ourselves, with our own eyes, mind and heart.  A huge source of conflict in the world is the fact that many individuals blindly follow the various traditions, movements and opinions without question.  God has given every individual the ability to differentiate truth from falsehood and it is our duty to use our capacity to apply reason without detachment and prejudice in order to search for truth.
  • The establishment of a global commonwealth of nations:
Peace among humankind must be established, and the leaders of the world must reconcile their differences.  A set of new social structures based on participation and consultation among people must be implemented. 
  • True religion is in harmony with reason and science:
The Baha'i Faith teaches that there is no contradiction between science and religion.  This comes from the understanding that truth is one, and that if truth is one then it is impossible for it to be scientifically false and religiously true.  We are taught that man’s intelligence and reasoning powers are gifts from God and that science results from our use of these God-given powers.  It is God that is the Creator of the reality which science investigates, and therefore there can be no contradiction between the two.


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