Seven months old baby!

my big little guy is now 7 months old.  it is crazy to me because the first 6 months really seem like a time of infancy and my baby boy is out of that stage now.  it is both wonderful and a little sad, because he is getting so big so fast.  the past almost 2 months or so has been the first time since mr. z has been born that i am not waiting and looking forward to him being older.  it seems like when he was a newborn, i was thinking that things will be a little easier when he is 3 months old, and then when he was 3 months old i thought that things would be better when he is 6 months old.  i don't know if other parents have experienced that, too, but i just love the age of around 6 months old cause the babies are smiley and giggly and can usually sit up and are more mobile and more fun to play with.  so i had been looking forward to that time in baby z's life when he wouldn't need me soooo much, could self-soothe and entertain himself, or be cool hanging out more with baba or other family members without freaking out and wanting mama.  i think in the last month he has really had a jump in development.  it seems like he was just barely learning how to sit up by himself and now he is sitting like a champ.  he was rolling from his back to tummy and now he rolls all the way across the floor.  he is so aware of everything around him and i can see him figuring things out.  he is also more opinionated if that is even possible.  he has started to get upset if i take something away from him (like an electrical cord or something else that i don't want him to have).  he is starting to figure out how to play us to get what he wants.  and he is starting to look more like a little boy than a baby.  here is the monthly update:

-growth:  he is in mostly 9 month clothes, he still fits some of his 6 and 6-9 month clothes.  he was almost 16 lbs at his 6 month doctor appointment.  he looks like he is getting a little more round and he has a couple of chins now.  his hair is growing in thicker, except for the bald spot on the back of his head hahhaa.  he is still a tall guy.
-development:  he rolls around all over the floor, rolling from his tummy to his back and vice versa, and he rolls over and over again to get across the room.  he has also figured out that if he is on his back and positions his legs under himself and pumps upwards, he can move himself, so he does that a lot now too.  let's see, he is getting really good at sitting up and can sit by himself for awhile but we have to be near because he still falls over after a few minutes.  he bounces in his bouncer activity seat, he has been figuring put his toys more, how they work and what he can do with them.  he is becoming more dexterous but hasn't mastered the pincer grasp yet.  he is making lots of different noises now, incorporating different types of noises and using consonants like gaaabaaa and blaaa among others.  everything goes in his mouth, and he wants to grab everything, especially things that i don't want him to grab like my slippers, my face, power cords, phones.

-modes of transportation:  scooching on his back and rolling around, with surprising accuracy
-nourishment:  still mostly breastfeeding though he nurses less often and for a shorter duration than in the past.  he is eating more solids now and i have added another meal of food so he is eating 3 meals of solids per day.  we have added broccoli, spinach, apricots, plum, some cheese like feta, quinoa, green bean.  he pretty much likes everything except green beans.  i purée almost everything myself except some fruits like peaches since they are not in season and some mixes that i like to feed him but don't make like apple/quinoa/raisin.  we have started giving him tastes of more chunky food like actual rice grains and bean and stuff and i recently have been giving him baby rice crackers.  he seems to be doing well with it. he drinks water from a cup, when we give it to him.  i plan on incorporating some puréed meats soon, some beans, maybe some oatmeal, and pureeing some dinners that hubby and i make.  baby z loves to eat, and has a healthy appetite, eating pretty much everything we give him with no problems so far, he is a very noisy and enthusiastic eater.
-sleep: sigh.  what the hell happened here?  in the past few weeks he has been waking up a lot at night, 2-5 times per night.  he has never really done that before, except under special circumstances like when he is sick.  i blame it on teething.  and also, i have been trying to transition him to sleeping in his crib in his own room.  he does not sleep well in his own crib.  and that means i don't sleep well.  when he sleeps with us he sleeps through the night.  so, we will continue to gradually get him to sleep in his crib.  it seems that he has changed his sleep schedule, too.  he normally wakes up anywhere between 6-7 am now, nurses and doesn't go back to sleep but stays awake and around 10-11 am takes a nap, and sometimes he has also been taking a nap in the late afternoon.  so i am glad that he is napping but wish that he would both nap and sleep well at night.
-likes: baths, eating, bouncing, going outside, banging things together, playing, baba, rolling around, getting into stuff that mama doesn't want him to, being the center of attention, having neck-ed time
-dislikes: falling asleep, green beans, being alone, being too warm, getting his hands and face wiped-i mean he loses it!
-personality:  he is becoming less of a grumpy old man baby and more talkative and happy.  he is very loud and blabbers a lot, he is very vocal.  he is persistent and headstrong, flirtatious and curious. he wants to get into everything and has already started to throw fits if he doesn't get what he wants.  somehow, he innately knows what he shouldn't get into and goes straight for it.  he loves his mama and baba, he gets so excited when baba gets home from work.
-me: doing well, slowly losing the last 15 lbs.... it will likely take awhile.  ready to exercise.  am a little concerned about keeping up my milk supply as baby z eats more solids and when i go back to school in April.  so we will see how that goes.  i think a lot about how to parent with intention, how to raise a child to know and love God, to be well behaved and to want to participate in service to humanity.  it is very intimidating.  i will likely write a separate post about this.  i am so thankful for such an awesome hubby, and it seems that we have gotten into a comfortable co-parenting groove now that is more efficient and balanced since baby doesn't need to rely on mama so much anymore.  even the little things that hubby does for me like bringing me homemade hot chocolate with marshmallows while i am upstairs trying to put the baby to bed, are hugely appreciated.  because i don't often have the time to do little things like that for myself it is so nice that hubby thinks of me and does those extra things.  i am feeling a little bit overwhelmed because there are a million things i want to do right now including home projects, reviewing bio stuff to get back in the school/study mode, reading some parenting books particularly those that are spiritually focused, and on and on.  but i realized that if i just do something on my to-do list for even 20 minutes a day, it gets done quicker than if i wait until i have all the time to finish it in one go.  i am catching on.  and i am really relishing being a mom to a 7 month old baby.  i loves him. and i'm pretty sure he have me a legitimate hug for the first time the other day!
Seahawks baby!
being silly while mama tries to put him to sleep
mahvalous dahling

he was bouncing so the picture is blurry


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