19 weeks baby 2.0

well this last week went by fast!  we hosted a junior youth gathering at our place, had an early Father's Day celebration with our wonderful friends, consuming all the delicious smoked meats that they made, spent some time with hubs on Father's Day before he headed to a technical conference for a few days, spent LOTS of time outside with z in the absolutely perfect weather we've been having, started working on some house projects; i am working on organizing and deep cleaning each room, one at a time until it's all done.  i started with the living room and am working on the closet full of random junk upstairs, which holds lots of z's old toys and clothes, i am trying to make the newborn clothes and gear accessible to out in the nursery when the time comes for that.  i also am in the process of picking out paint colors for the front room and the kitchen, i'll probably post about that later.  anyway, so the week has been good, z has had his toddler moments both wonderful and not so wonderful, one of the best though, was when i was making dinner and he just randomly came over and gave me a kiss saying "gimme some kissessss!" and the also gave me a big hug.  and another cute one, when hubs was leaving to head out to the airport for his conference, he was holding z giving him hugs and kisses and saying goodbye, and z says "i come with me! i come with me!" and didn't want to let his baba go.  i come with me is how he says that he wants to go with you.  it's similar to how he asks to be held (hold you) and buckled in his car seat (buckle you), etc.  still figuring out the pronouns.  anyway, i noticed i am much more physically tired lately, apparently running after a toddler for 12-13 hours a day is a workout! especially while pregnant! whoooo! and i really have no time during the day to work on other things, projects, all the ideas swimming around in my head for my business, planning for the new baby, planning and getting stuff ready for z's 2nd bday party, and a jillion other things i want to get done.  but i guess spending time and interacting with my own son is time well spent. ;)  so it was a good week, and i am loving this weather!  we actually get a real summer this year!  gee thanks global warming! oh, i had my second midwife appointment during the week, i am measuring spot on, baby's heartbeat is great, the midwife reassured me that just because at this time in my pregnancy with z i felt him move a lot more than this baby, doesn't mean that there is a problem with this baby.  she suggested that perhaps the placenta was anterior which would muffle the feeling of the baby squiggling around, that pregnancies are different, and that it is still early in the pregnancy to be feeling lots of strong movement.  but i have been feeling this baby move a little more every week, so that's reassuring.

How far along:  19 weeks
Size of baby: either the size of a large heirloom tomato or a mango, about 6 inches or so and half a pound, hair is sprouting on its head!
Total weight gain: up 5 lbs
Maternity clothes: yup
Gender: will find out at the end of next week
Movement: feeling more movement
Sleep: tricky, by the time i put z down for a nap i am already so tired; sometimes i take a nap, if i am super sleepy, and other times i fight it and stay awake in order to get some things done.  the times i take a nap, i have more energy to keep up with z for the rest of the afternoon, make dinner, and work on things after he goes to sleep.  but then it's harder for me to go to sleep at night.  but if i don't take a nap then i am sooooooo exhausted and can barely get through the rest of the day, but i fall asleep really quickly and sleep really deeply.  so i don't know.
What I miss: i really miss coffee, my stomach is so sensitive to it right now, even decaf.
Cravings: i am really craving hot pot from this place down in the international district, we are going to have to go soon
Symptoms: my body is so sensitive this pregnancy, drinking coffee, even decaf, makes me nauseous all day, taking tylenol even makes me nauseous!  i am sensitive to dairy products, i get a headache or get all congested, it's weird.  i have been feeling large, and have more fatigue lately, a little bit of braxton hicks, nothing too bad
Best moment this week: hanging out with my buddy


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