recently i have been...

i was able to babysit my beautiful niece on friday.  i put her in the swing so that she could fall asleep for a nap, and she fell asleep like this clutching the zebra cute.

feeding the babe.  she's the best.

it was sunny this weekend!  so gorgeous!  seattle is so beautiful when the sun is out!

hubby fixed the shelf in my baking cupboard.  with his power drill.  hooray!

went to ikea to buy some boxes and shelves to start an organizing project and found this cutie little tin box set for $2.99--woohooo gotta love ikea!

stay tuned later for musings about the other book that i'm reading "Bringing up Bebe".  interesting stuff.


  1. Ah, sweet baby girl. Isn't it just the best, being an auntie?!

    1. yes! i love it, it's the best, she's so sweet. how's your cutie nephew?


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