5 months old
my little guy. he is getting so big. he is developing and refining all these new skills. it's pretty amazing to watch. he is getting to be really fun, he laughs and smiles and his personality is pretty discernible now. he is bossy and impatient but he is intense so when he is excited and happy he is really excited and happy. He loves food and has a healthy appetite but likes milk the best. He loves his mama and baba and he gets upset when we set him down and walk away, like if we need to go grab something in another room. He still isn't really into the swing, bumbo chair, etc, and prefers to be held or on the floor in his play gym with some toys. We read to him and he can get through one board book before he loses interest. He really enjoys being outside but still really hates going for car rides. I'm sure every parent thinks this, but our baby is really smart. For example, he hates being in the car because he knows it will put him to sleep, and he hates taking naps. He had his 4 month appointment a few weeks ago when he was around 4.5 months, and he was 26 inches long and almost 15 lbs, so a tall slender guy compared to the average. He has so much get up and go, he just wants to see what is going on, what's around him, he hates to be bored and he wants to stand up and walk around. i try to help him practice sitting, but it doesn't last because he wants to stand. so when i try to make him sit, he either won't bend or he arches his back and straightens his legs to stand. it's quite funny. and tummy time is non existent now because as soon as i put him on his tummy, he promptly rolls over onto his back. we spend our days playing on the floor with his music player, sophie, his rattle, woody, snoopy the cow and his chewy keys. we read books and sing songs and sometimes we go for a walk or go shopping. he will usually fall asleep while we are out and recently he has been taking pretty decent naps if i take him on a walk or go shopping if we get out around noon, which is new. hubby and i are absolutely over the moon for our little guy. here are the monthly update details:
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seriously, this guy is so damn cute it kills me |
-growth: he is tall and slim but not too slim, his hair is growing in thicker, and he laughs the sweetest little laugh, he is in 6 months clothes for the most part now, i am pretty sure he is still teething
-sleep: pretty much the same except now if i take him on a walk in the early afternoon he usually falls asleep for an hour or so, so that's good. also, i moved his pack n play to the end of my bed instead of the side of the bed to start the first step in moving him to his crib in his room....gulp. this is harder on me than i thought, i like having him nice and close at night. he sleeps around 10 or so hours at night, usually passing out between 10 pm but sometimes he goes down at 9 or 9:30 and it's glorious.
sometimes he wakes up in the night to eat but most of the time he doesn't.
-development: he rolls over like a champ now, as soon as i put him on his tummy he rolls onto his back, but he only rolls to one side so far, his motor skills are improving, he is really good with his hands, passing toys back and forth between them, taking his binkie and putting it in his mouth, taking it out to fling it around and put it back in his mouth again, he is making different and more varied sounds, he rolls from his front to back, he can sit and stand with support, he shakes his toys especially his rattles. he is mr. grabby so he will reach for and grab anything around him including my lips, chin, nose, he really likes to grab his baba's nose too.
-personality: inquisitive, serious, headstrong, intense, intelligent, definitely a mama's boy but he loves his baba too, he knows what he prefers and will let you know if what he is getting isn't what he wants, he laughs when mama and baba make funny noises and still fights sleep with everything he's got
-likes: sophie (he smiles so big when we squeak her at him), snoopy the cow rattle, his woven rattle, baby einstein music box thingy, taking walks, eating yams, prunes and banana, being held and walked around, being with mama or baba, baths (as long as the water doesn't get in his eyes), singing some of the Bahai childrens' prayers, being outside, trying to get mama's phone, peek a boo
-dislikes: taking naps, being alone, not having all the attention, any kind of contraption like a swing, bumbo, car seat, jumper, etc for longer than 5 minutes, car rides, getting water in his eyes, having his face wiped, having his nose cleaned, anything that restrains him
-me: my body is really needing some physical exercise because everything hurts, my back and neck and hands and knees....i think it is because i am not as physically active as i usually am, i haven't been this inactive ever. so i reaaaallly need to do some yoga or something on a daily basis. i will likely go back to school for spring quarter, so thinking about being without my baby for some time during the days makes me sad but i am also excited to go back and finish my degree, and i am in this part of motherhood where i love being a mom (almost all of the time, you know there are times like when your child won't sleep and they are obviously tired and you are tired and it gets frustrating), but it's wonderful and i just love my little monkey with all my being, and on that note, seeing my hubby with my baby makes me all warm and squishy and makes me love hubby with all my heart, too. i am a lucky lady.
me and my buddy |
sweet little face |
with his buddy woody |
on Thanksgiving |
ready for some food |
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