chugging along

more working in the house updates...mmmm super exciting!  but really, everytime i can get something done in the house i am excited and proud of myself, hehe.  the stairway was looking like this for a couple of days:

 and then i had a few minutes to hang some of the pictures up, the start of a gallery wall going up the stairs

that's just the beginning.  over time, i'll add more pictures and whatever other media i decide to fill the space out a bit more.   but it's nice to get something up there on the wall for now.

i also added some framed items up in the baby's nursery:

my mom made this invitation for one of my baby showers, super cute, huh?

a Bahai prayer that i said everyday during pregnancy, a prayer for expectant mothers

a Bahai prayer for children

elephant sticker from ame and a sweet card from one of the baby showers

another of the sweet cards from one of the baby showers

his airplane mobile, of course!
 that's a start for the nursery, i'lll be adding more to that area as well as the rest of the walls, slowly but surely.

i added some ikea storage stuff in the pantry to hold some tea bags and whatnot:

and, i put some of the furniture together in the living area and added lamps and a new rug in front of the slider.  the space is getting more cozy and home-like.  my next step is to add curtains and maybe another chair

oh, and hubby and my father in law were able to tear out the gross moldy shower door in the master bathroom, the results of which looked like this:


gross!  so then we had to clean up all the rust, scrape off the old caulking and add more, then add a shower curtain rod and curtain.  i'll post that "after" picture later.  but for now, at least we got that disgusting shower door out.  eventually we will redo this bathroom and hopefully make a tile shower but for now, we'll just add a shower curtain.  
let's see, i added a few things in the master bedroom as well:
giant mirror and floor lamp along the wall

and above the bed i'll add some art and pictures soon:
at some point, maybe when the baby doesn't sleep in his pack n play next to our bed anymore, i'll add a nice ottoman and/or chair at the end of the bed.  
i also was able to tidy up the laundry room, so we can actually walk in there now.  i want to organize the tall shelf that we have in there now.  eventually, i will also redo the laundry room to make it a little more functional, organized, and cute!
i want to paint, maybe re-do the flooring, lower the rack that the shirts are hanging on a bit so that i can actually use the top of that shelf, new light fixture, make a nice roman shade for the window, paint the walls

i'll organize this beast sometime soon (i hope!)

and get this all organized up

and, this is the picture of what the front living area looks like now.  i didn't include a photo of it in the first house post because it was paaaacked full of boxes for awhile.  but, i was able to get most everything put away and now we just have some artwork and framed photos that i'm sorting through and putting up on walls a little at a time:
we'll have to get this room furnished at some point when we figure out what we want to do with it, but for now it's kind of a catch all for stuff.  but i really love the light in this room, so we'll see, maybe we'll make this our living area.  who knows?
so, anyway, that's what's been going on around here lately.  hopefully i can get some more stuff done this week and get it crossed off my huge to-do list:
-hang art above bed
-paint guest bedroom bedside table
-finish guest room (excluding paint)
-paint creepy upstairs closet

we'll see how much of that, if any, i can get done with the munchkin demanding my time :) 


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