
well, most of my posts nowadays revolve around either my baby, parenthood or my house. Haha. well, that's what i'm focusing on in my life now i guess.  i know-super exciting stuff to read about.  anyway, sleep.  or to more accurate, no sleep. this describes my baby, not me.  actually, no naps is more appropriate because he sleeps through the night like a champ.  he just refuses to nap. ever.  and i really wouldn't care that much if he was well rested during the day but he's not.  he gets exhausted and gets dark circles under his eyes and becomes overly sensitive.  he has never been a good napper but now?  it's no naps.  so i have made a goal for us to nap.  well, for him to nap and for me to get him to nap. actually i have 3 goals:

-get baby to nap consistently a few times a day for a total of 4+ hours
-get baby to sleep at night earlier
-get baby to sleep at night easier and with less tears and frustration

i decided against the cry it out method, at least for now.  it's just not the right way to go for us.  my son has no patience, and when he cries he doesn't end up winding down and falling asleep, he cries harder and louder and gets more shrieky and miserable.  i know it works for many people and i don't judge their decision but for me, it is torture and it seems my baby doesn't like it either.  so i started reading up on no cry sleep methods.  at this point, i am logging our current nighttime routine and any naps for ten days and then i'll be using some of the tricks that i've been reading about.  we'll see how it works.  so far i'm on day 3 of logging our routine.  it's a 3 hour process that begins with a bath and jammies.  so far it's not so bad but he usually doesn't fall asleep until around 10:15 or so, which has actually been an improvement from his 11:30 pm bedtime, or sometimes after midnight. the biggest thing is to get him to nap during the day. i have tried EVERYTHING to try to get him to take a nap! so hopefully just being consistent and having a schedule will help.  time will tell and i'll be blogging about it.  if y'all have any more suggestions please let me know!

i will not nap, i will not nap


  1. Hi dear! Not that I have any experience yet, and you've probably tried it a dozen times, but a lot of what I'm reading recommends breast feeding as the solution to just about everything. Not sure what you have decided as your milk-solution, but I know warm milk makes me sleepy. One idea was to breast feed while lying in bed and then cuddle. I'll look for the links... good luck! I love your mommy posts! Very helpful :)

  2. Ummmm, this was one of the links.


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